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It pleases the Preacher to regard himself as an unworthy disciple of Yahusha the Messiah (Jesus the Christ). He was born in the late thirties in the hills of Kentucky. The Preacher’s parents suffered from the lack of the understanding of Yahuah’s (GOD’s) plan for a happy family. Certainly, his family was and is not the only family being denied the blessings of such awareness. Earning a living and managing the responsibilities of rearing a family was a difficult challenge for my parents. Unfortunately Yahusha the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) was not at their helm. The Preacher loved and loves his family as most children naturally do. He has witnessed so much unhappiness because of selfishness and ignorance which was a cause for sad wonderment. Some relatives having had better understandings and beliefs that they would share their convictions in the Lord. The Preacher’s Great Uncle Alvin Edwards gave him his first bible and it was important. Dave Barlow was such a kind and caring Sunday school teacher and is remembered was a good deal of fondness. The Preacher was baptized at the age of twelve into the Southern Baptist Church.
If the Preacher was privileged to know your life’s story, what would he say? Brother or Sister, how marvelous Yahuah (God) has been to manifested his unequaled love for you. The Preacher reflecting on his own life is a sense of amazement, even astonished at the demonstration of patience, tender love, and care. There are a lot of stories he might share, not at this particular time, however. Miracles still take place on a regular basis among the living. If you are hurting, it may not seem to ring true. Remember, who needs the physician? Those of us who need to overcome our hurt, emotional, physical or spiritual should seek the guidance and comfort available from the Bible.
The main thing the Preacher wants you to know is simply that he has not qualified by any worldly learning to preach about the things of the kingdom of Yahuah (God). Yahuah (God) has revealed through Yahusha (Jesus) and the Spirit which emanates from the Father and continues to reveal undeniable truths. Should you be deceived by the Devil, how will you know? Yahuah (God) alone can help you escape. Humble yourself and pray always. He will hear us. That is his promise.
The Preacher bares his witness that Yahusha the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) has been raised and lives to direct the affairs of the kingdom of Yahuah (God). All who have ever lived or will live shall have immortal bodies because of the willing sacrifice made on the cross by Yahusha (Jesus), our Messiah for all. There is a power in the world by which men may overcome evil. The administrator of that power is the Father.
Angels are even now active at ministering to those called and drawn to participate in the first resurrection. The Devil is also very powerful and busy.
1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ (Yahusha) shall all be made alive.
Notice, no conditions are spelled out because there are none. This verse gives me a great deal of comfort. I hope it does for you as well. We are all without doubt sinners. Let us pray often that Yahuah (God) should soften our hearts. Let us help one another find unity in his kingdom while we yet breathe. May all glory and honor be to our Heavenly Father, his only begotten son, Yahusha the Messiah (Jesus the Christ) forever and evermore.
Pray for the Preacher that he should be able to contribute to the growth of the spirit of Yahuah’s children.

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